All Round Supplies offer a large range of high quality feeder pillars and bases, underground pits and lids, fuse panels, terminal blocks and related tooling.Our range includes everything from low voltage bolted pillars to 2- and 3-way open link pillars, all of which can be ordered as empty shells or as ARSemblies with termination kits and other products included.

- D-bolt spanner
- Allen-head bolt spanner
- Pit lid lifter

- Solid connected
- Single-link
- Double link
- Terminal blocks

- Blank panels
- Pre-fitted panels

- Pillar tops and bases
- Panels
- Pillar bolts
- Warning signs

- Pits
- Pit lids

- Submersible in-line fuses

- 2, 3 and 4-port
- In-line splice
- Multi-port