If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you a 7-day money-back guarantee from the time you receive the goods. Please email us within that time if you are not satisfied with your purchase so that we can resolve any problems.
This refund policy does not apply to goods which have been worn or used, damaged after delivery, or if any attempt has been made to alter the product or if they have been dropped or broken. All products must be returned in their original condition. All postage and insurance costs are to be paid by you, the buyer.
We recommend that you return the product via Registered post and that you pre pay all postage. You assume any risk of lost, theft or damaged goods during transit; therefore we advise you take out shipment registration of insurance with your postal carrier. MyShopNGo will not be responsible for parcels lost or damaged in transit if you choose not to insure.
If you have any enquiries regarding this document and the payment services offered by eWAY please visit our website at www.myshopngo.com.au.